User Guide

Importing a List of Billing Codes for Batch Registration

Prepare a list of billing codes via Microsoft Excel, and then import the list for registration. This is useful when registering a large set of billing codes to be registered.

Preparing a list of billing codes

The first row of the list prepared via Microsoft Excel must be a header, and column A must contain "Code," while column B must contain "Name".

Enter a billing code and a display name in each subsequent row following the first row.

Column A

Column B

Column C and subsequent columns

First row (header)




Rows from row 2 to 5,000 (Enter a billing code.)

(Enter a code.)

(Enter a display name.)



  • If an already registered code is found during import, its display name is updated.

  • If a blank row is found in column A, no subsequent row is imported.

  • If an import process fails, no billing code in the Excel file is added or updated.

Downloading a template file

An Excel template file (billingcode_template.xlsx) is available to be downloaded. The downloaded file can be imported after entering the billing codes.

1Click [Other Processes], and then click [Import Billing Code].

2Click [Download Excel Template].

Application screen illustration

Requirements for a billing code list file



File type

Microsoft Excel

File name

Any Excel file name consisting of valid characters

Number of codes allowed

Up to 4,999 codes

Up to 5,000 rows, including the header

File size

4 MB or less

Importing a list of billing codes

1Click [Other Processes], and then click [Import Billing Code].

Application screen illustration

2Select the appropriate file that you want to import, and then click [Open].

3Click [Import].

Application screen illustration