User Guide

Receiving Alert Notifications

Use the alert notification screen to enable or disable alert notification and configure its related settings.

If alert notification has been enabled, and an error occurs at a device being monitored, an email notifying the error is sent. The term "error" in this context means that the status of the device has changed to "Error" or "Warning".

Application screen illustration



Notification Settings

Select On or Off.

If On is selected, alert notification is enabled.

Initially, this is set to Off.

Email Address

Specify one or more destination email addresses for alert notification. Up to five addresses can be specified.

Email addresses can contain the following characters:

  • One-byte alphanumeric characters and symbols (.AlertHash$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~hyphen)

Add Email Address

Adds an additional email address entry field. Up to five address entry fields can be displayed.

Send Test Email

Sends a test email to the specified email addresses.


Cancels any changes made and restores to the previously saved content.


Saves the changes made.